A worker avoiding the touch of a co-worker before contacting a sexual harassment lawyer in Stockton, CA

In a moment, sexual harassment can turn the victim’s world upside down. But you don’t have to let a harasser wield any more power over your personal and professional life. It’s time to fight back.

If you need an employment lawyer in Stockton, CA, choose Melmed Law Group P.C. We’re a skilled team representing hard-working California employees against harassers and the companies they sometimes hide behind.

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Am I Being Harassed?

Some types of harassment, such as unwanted touching or inappropriate questions, are obvious. However, these are far from the only types of workplace sexual harassment. Because harassers operate in many ways, knowing if you’re a harassment target can feel confusing. Let an employment lawyer in Stockton help.

Example of workplace-based sexual harassment:

  • Repeatedly being asked on dates, especially after refusing such offers.
  • Unwelcome touching, hugging, or groping
  • Sexually explicit gestures
  • Inappropriate emails, texts, or phone calls
  • Physically or digitally stalking a co-worker

The Dangers of Employer Retaliation

You’d think an employer could do no worse than allowing harassment to go unnoticed. Sometimes, they can. As sexual harassment lawyers in Stockton know, this situation is called retaliation. Retaliation occurs when an employer (typically on behalf of someone with decision-making power) retaliates against an employee who reported wrongdoing.

Employer retaliation examples:

  • Firing employees
  • Denying time off or vacations
  • Refusing previously promised pay increases
  • Reassigning someone to less favorable work duties
  • Relocation

What Do I Do Next?

Navigating how to deal with a harasser is often complex. That’s why many people in this situation seek help from a sexual harassment lawyer in Stockton, CA. 

Melmed Law Group P.C. is a seasoned team of lawyers who stand in the corner of wronged employees. We’re not afraid to litigate against companies of any size. Get started with your free consultation today.