A person visiting the website of a sexual harassment lawyer in San Mateo, CA.

Sexual harassment comes in many forms. Making matters worse, regardless of their background or position at a company, anyone can be a harasser. Workplace harassment can make you feel like there’s nowhere to turn. 

Melmed Law Group P.C. is ready to help. We represent employees. Our goal is to hold harassers accountable for their indecent behavior and actions. Schedule your free consultation with a San Mateo employment lawyer using the link below.

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Examples of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Harassers can unleash predatory behavior instantly. Harassing behavior can also be subtle. Either situation can leave a survivor unsure about what’s happening. Let our team of lawyers from San Mateo, CA, help. 

Examples of workplace harassment:

  • Showing someone pornographic media
  • Telling inappropriate jokes or stories
  • Repeatedly pressuring someone for a date
  • Unwelcome looks and stares
  • Unrequested physical contact
  • Attempting to trade sexual favors for work-related perks

Why Do I Need a San Mateo Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

It’s understandable to wonder if you need a lawyer after sexual harassment occurs. While not required, having a legal professional in your corner can be highly beneficial.

Speaking on Your Behalf

A vital aspect of any claim involves whether it’s settleable or must go to court. Sometimes, these decisions require negotiating between all parties involved. Many find negotiations uncomfortable. Thankfully, a sexual harassment lawyer in San Mateo, CA, can represent you in these conversations.

No Monetary Risk

You may think lawyers are only for extremely wealthy people. That’s not the case. People from all walks of life can need help with legal matters.

Sometimes, lawyers are expensive. However, Melmed Law doesn’t operate like an average law firm. Instead, we work on contingency. That means we don’t receive any payment unless you receive a settlement or an outcome in your favor. In that case, our law firm receives its predetermined percentage.

San Mateo Lawyers Are Knowledgeable

Sexual harassment laws can be complex and confusing for someone without years of experience studying them. Without such knowledge, you could make significant mistakes regarding your claim or representing yourself if your case goes to court.

The aftermath of harassment can feel daunting. Let’s hold your harasser accountable. Melmed Law Group is a leading team of sexual harassment lawyers serving San Mateo, CA. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.